電子工作123 – レーザー光をリモコンのように使いAC100V機器に接続した光タイマースイッチをON/OFFする

Electronics Project 123 – Laser Beam and Light Sensing On/Off, 30-min and 2-hrs Timer Switch For AC100V Appliances


概要    Introduction



By chance, I found that, at least in a distance of 10m, a laser light beam could activate the Optical Timer Switch prepared in my Electronics Project 119. I tested two types of laser light beam sources. One is the laser light beam generated from the laser tachometer DT-2234C+ and the other is one from a home-made laser light generator based on a laser light module. This time, the original Optical Timer Switch was also modified so that it could have On/Off switching mode, 30-min and 2-hrs timers modes selectable by the slide switch. To make On/Off switching mode workable, both hardware and software were slightly modified from those of Electronics Project 119.



回路図    Circuit Diagram



As shown below, the slide switch (used for the timer mode section) and the input part of CdS sensor were partly modified. Now, On/Off-, 30min- and 2hrs-modes are available. Under On/Off mode, a laser light beam activates the Optical Timer Switch to On by shooting its CdS sensor and then the second laser light beam shooting deactivates it to Off. After that, the same On/Off process will be repeated. Meanwhile, under 30min- or 2-hrs-mode, the laser light beam activates the Optical Timer Switch to On and after 30min or 2 hrs later, the Optical Timer Switch turns to Off. 


Fig. 1




Photo 1



Completed Laser light beam and Light responding Timer Switch.



Photo 2



A CdS sensor is installed inside a black-colored pipe (inner diameter: 7mm, length 80mm) in such a way that its tip stays about 2 cm below the top of the pipe to prevent the interfering effect of surrounding light.





Photo 3

CdSセンサー(直径5mm、型番MI527/MI5527、明抵抗 10-20K(10lux)、暗抵抗1M)のピーク感度波長は540nm(緑色光)で、反応波長域は400-750nm


CdS sensor used: diameter 5mm, bright resistance 10-20Kohm, dark resistance 1Mohm, peak wavelength 540nm with the responding wavelength range 400-750nm.



Photo 4

使用した2種類レーザー光発生装置。上はレーザー光ビームでモーターなどの回転を非接触で測定できるDT-2234+という回転計である。下は部品を買って組み立てた自作品で、赤色ドットレーザーモジュール(6mmx17.5mm、1mW、スポット調整可、¥380 秋月)を、押しボタンスイッチを介して単三2本3Vにつないであるだけ。


The photo shows the laser tachometer DT-2234C+ (upper) and the home-made laser light generator using a laser light module (red-dot laser 6mmx17.5mm, 1mW, spot size adjustable) (lower), both of which are used to generate the laser light beam.



Photo 5



The laser light beam from the tachometer is about 10mm in diameter at a distance of approximately 10cm from its lens surface while the beam from the home-made laser generator is about 3mm in diameter. The wavelength of red-dot laser light module is 640-660nm.



Photo 6

この写真はCdSセンサーにレーザー光を当てた時にPIC12F629GP0 (ピン7) の電圧変化をオシロで測定したもの。レーザー光ビームの照射を受けると、3Vが約320−400ms間、0Vに低下することを示している。この低下を後述のプログラム中で捕らえて処理を行う。


The following oscilloscope photo shows a voltage drop to 0V from 3V at GP0 (Pin 7) of 12F629 for a period of 320-400ms, when a laser light beam hits the CdS sensor. This signal is used for the switch On/Off operation in the program.




プログラム    Program



Due to the introduction of On/Off switching mode into the Optical Timer Switch this time, the program was partly modified. That is, under On/Off switching mode, the first laser light beam shooting to CdS sensor activates the Optical Timer Switch, turning on the relay for driving an AC100V appliance, and then the second laser light beam shooting to CdS sensor turns off the relay. This became possible by using PicBasic Pro’s command Toggle that can reverse the state of GPIO port of 12F629 whenever Toggle command is executed. The former two timer modes 15min- and 30min-modes were also changed to 30min- and 2hrs-modes, respectively.


'Motionsensor100VCdSplT.pbp. 2021.6.23 works OK!                               

'Using 12F629 and PicBasic Pro V3.1

'ON/OFF SW, 30min-, 2hr-settable delay timers                                     

 '********Pin connection********

'Pin 1: Vdd (5V) 5V USB adaptor

'Pin 8: Vss (GND)

'Pin 7: GPIO.0 - Input CdS light via divider

'Pin 6: GPIO.1 - Input 2-hr timer (S.SW3)

'Pin 5: GPIO.2 - Output Relay drive for AC100V devices

'Pin 4: GPIO.3 - Input for Reset

'Pin 3: GPIO.4 - Input 30-min timer (S.SW2)

'Pin 2: GPIO.5 - Input ON/OFF SW (S.SW1)


CdSIn var GPIO.0

RelayOut var GPIO.2


T30minIn var GPIO.4

T2hrIn var GPIO.1


CMCON=7  'Comparator disabled


m var byte

n var byte




'Check if CdSIn is 1 or 0.

If CdSIn=0 then goto Loop1

Goto LoopCdS




If T30minIn=0 then goto Timer30min

If T2hrIn=0 then goto Timer2hr

Goto LoopCdS



Toggle RelayOut

Pause 2000 '2 sec

Goto LoopCdS



High RelayOut

For m=1 to 30

Gosub Timer1minunit


Low RelayOut

Pause 300

Goto LoopCdS



High RelayOut

For m=1 to 120

Gosub Timer1minunit


Low RelayOut

Pause 300

Goto LoopCdS



For n=1 to 64  '64 - 20.11/27 experimentally decided,  'n' must be used here instead of 'm'

pause 1000  '1 sec






'*****End of Program******


'melabs U2 Programmer's configurations for 12F629:

'Oscillator - INTOSC, WDTE - Disable, PWRTE - Disable, MCLR - Reset, BODEN - Enable, CD - Disable, CDP - Disable

'Under PicBasic Pro 3.1, 'Loop' can not be used. Use 'Loop1' or other form.



コメント      Comments

1)    レーザー光ビームによる光タイマースイッチ動作距離は室内の限られてスペースでの実験のため約10mとしたが、実際はもっと距離が伸びる可能性がある。レーザー光発生モジュールの出力が大きければ距離は伸びる。

2)    収穫は、光タイマースイッチをOn/Offさせるモードをプログラムの中に組込むことに成功したこと。

3)    今回の実験結果はいろいろな応用に繋がりそう。


1)      A laser light beam can travel a quite long distance while maintaining its linearity. Using this characteristic and through experiments,  it was found that that a laser light beam could be used as a simple remote controlling purpose.

2)      A laser light beam seems to be suitable for switching operations of AC100V electric appliances that are located distantly, say more



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