電子工作77 – 冷蔵庫の冷蔵室と冷凍庫の温度を表示する温度計の製作

- Fridge Thermometer Capable of Showing Cold-room and Freezer Temperatures -





  In this project, a fridge thermometer capable of showing both cold-room and freezer temperatures on LCD was made using two sensors LM61BIZ which can measure a temperature range from –30 to +100 degree C with an accuracy of +/-3 degree C.


回路図 Circuit Diagram

下に回路図を示す。 前の電子工作76のものとほぼ同じである。ただ、今回はマイナスとプラス温度が測れる温度センサLM61BIZを2個使った。1個は冷蔵室に、もう1個は下の引き出し式の冷凍庫の中に設置して使う。

Following is the circuit diagram of fridge thermoeter. The reference voltage used for the in-built ADC of 16F819 is 2.50V, which is prepared from the power supply voltage of 5.0V by using a voltage divider composed of two 10K resistors as shown in the diagram. The connection between 16F819 and LCD is based on Manual of PicBasic Pro. One sensor is set in the cold room while the other in the freezer.




The following photo shows the naked circuit board onto which all necessary components are solded or connected. At the present, the temperature in Freezer is –21.3 degrees C Considering the accuracy of this sensor, it is appropriate to think that the real temperature is more likely to exist around –21 degrees C. Sometimes this temperature drops as low as –30 degrees C.

 (Photo 1)



The above circuit board is housed in a plastic case (WxLxH = 12 x 15 x 5cm).

(Photo 2)


市販温度計との比較: 左が冷蔵室、右が冷凍庫の温度です。ともに割と差が小さいことが分かる

Comparison with a conventional thermometer (thermistor sensor): Differences between the two were less than 1 degree C.

(Photo 3)



Two temperature sensors (LM61BIZ) with a 50-cm long cable are shown above LCD.

(Photo 4)



1)     LM61BIZセンサを2個使ってプラスとマイナス温度を表示させることに成功した。+100℃前後(半田ごて)から-30℃(冷蔵庫の冷凍室)位までスムースに表示できた。

2)     センサの精度や基準電圧の精度から表示温度の整数値2桁がほぼ正しい値と思われる。

3)     冷蔵庫の測定温度はほぼ中央で4−6℃位で安定、下の冷凍庫の温度は通常でも−12から−21℃などと結構ばらつくことが分かった。

4)     製作材料費は1500円ほど。液晶500円、センサ100円、16F819 220円、 ACアダプタ500円、三端子レギュレータ、基板、SWなど。


Results and Comments

1)     The completed thermometer can measure a temperature range from –30 to +100 degrees C using two temperature sensors LM61BIZ and the calculation formulas described in Program.

2)     Considering the accuracy of the temperature sensors and reference voltage 2.50V, the first two-digit integer value of displayed temperatures is the most likely temperature value.

3)     Temperature values obtained with this fridge thermometer were not so different from those obtained with a commercial thermometer (+/-1 to 2 degrees C).

4)     Total cost of components and other materials is about 1500 yen.



   前の電子工作76とほぼ同じプログラムであるが、温度センサを今回は2個に増やしたのでプログラムもその分追加されている。勿論要となる部分はプラス温度とマイナス温度を検知して分ける部分 If Vin=<246 then と、プラス温度の計算ではVin=(Vin*61)/25-600 を使い、マイナス温度の計算ではVin=600-(Vin*122)/50という式を使うことである。詳細は前回既述したのでここでは省略。



In the use of LM61BIZ, there is the following relationship between the sensor output Vo and the measuring temperature T: Vo (mV) = 10*T (degree C) + 600. Therefore, if a sensor output is known, the corresponding temperature can be calculated using this formula. Here, we use 2.50V as reference voltage in this circuit. So, 2.50V corresponds to 1023 counts in 10-bit ADC (Analogue Digital Converter) of 16F819. It means that there is a relationship between these two parameters - 0.00244V/count (=2.50V/1023counts) = 2.44mV/count. In the program shown below, positive temperatures can be calculated by the formula Vin=(Vin*61)/25-600. Here, Vin in (Vin*61) is the number of counts converted from the sensor output (mV) by ADC of 16F819, while 61/25=122/50 is equal to 2.44mV/count. The total Vin in Vin=(Vin*61)/25-600 is the voltage expressed in mV. For instance, at T=50 degrees C, Vo=10*50+600=1100mV. 2500mV: 1023counts=1100mV: Xcount -> Xcount=(1023*1100)/2500=450 counts that is equal to Vin in parentheses). The total Vin=(450*61)/25-600=498 mV -> almost 500 mV. Using Lcdout "Temp=",Dec1 Vin DIG 2,Dec1 Vin DIG 1,".", DEC1 Vin DIG 0,"C", the temperature 50.0 C (degrees C) is extracted from this 500 mV. The reason why 61/25 instead of 122/50 in Vin=(Vin*61)/25-600 is used is based on the fact the total of Vin*122 exceeds 65535 (at high temperatures) that is the maximum figure allowable in PicBasic Pro used this time. In fact, if 122 are used, strange temperatures begin to appear on LCD, in the range above about 70 degrees C. Using 61 instead of 122 allows a smooth temperature increase up to at least 100 degrees C (proved using a soldering iron). Meanwhile, negative temperatures can be calculated by Vin=600-(Vin*122)/50 (or Vin=600-(Vin*61)/25). The result is displayed on LCD using Lcdout "Temp=","-", Dec1 Vin DIG 2,Dec1 Vin DIG 1,".", DEC1 Vin DIG 0,"C". For instance, at T= –20 degrees C, the sensor output is Vo=10*(-20)+600=400mV. The number of counts corresponding to 400mV is 400mV/(2500mV/1023)=163 that is Vin in parentheses. Therefore, the total Vin=600-(163*122)/50=600-398=202mV. If extracted using the above extraction pattern, the temperature - 20.2C will be displayed on LCD. Finally, positive and negative temperatures are handled separately with the different routines. For that purpose, ‘If Vin=<246 then’plays the important role. Here, 246 is the count number correspondng to the sensor output of 600mV or a temperature of 0 degree C. It is calculated as follows: 600mV/(2500mV/1023counts)=246.


'Name of program: LCDtempLm61BIZ16F819AFr.bas - 2014.11.29 worked OK

'Using Picbasic Pro V2.50A and 16F819

'Two LM61BIZ sensors are used to measure temperatures in cold room and freezer in fridge.

'As Vref+, used is 2.50V which is made by a voltage divider using two 10K Rs and connected to AN3 (RA3)

'**New LCD connection setting** See p.88 in PBP Manual

DEFINE LCD_DREG                     PORTB  'Set LCD Data port

DEFINE LCD_DBIT        4      'Set starting Data bit, (0 or 4) if 4-bit bus

DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTB 'Set LCD Register Select port

DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 1     'Set LCD Register Select bit

DEFINE LCD_EREG                    PORTB  'Set LCD Enable port

DEFINE LCD_EBIT                        0      'Set LCD Enable bit

DEFINE LCD_BITS                4      'Set LCD bus size (4 or 8 bits)

DEFINE LCD_LINES 2     'Set number of lines on LCD

DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000 'Set command delay time in us

DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50   'Set data delay time in us


'**Setting for ADC of 16F819**

Define ADC_BITS 10     '10-bit ADC used

Define ADC_CLOCK 3     'Internal clock used

Define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 'Sample timing


OSCCON=%01110100  'Internal OSC setting to 8MHz

ADCON1=%10000001  'Right adjusted, AN3 - Vref+


TRISA=%00101111    'RA3 - Vref+, PortA.0, 1, 2, 3 and 5 - analog input

TRISB=%00000000   'All PortBs are output

Samples var word 'Samples

Sample var byte  'Sample

Vin var Word     'Vin is variable

Ch var byte      'Ch is channel



'---Inside fridge temp routine---




ADCON0=%10000101  'for ADC setting of Sensor 1 (AN0)


For Sample=1 to 10 'Take 10 samples

ADCIN Ch, Vin   'Read ADC ch-0 and save in Vin, Range 0-1023

Samples=Samples + Vin

Pause 200      'Wait for LCD to startup, Seems to be appropriate.

Next sample

Vin=Samples/10 'Mean of 10 Vin values

If Vin=<246 then    '0C - +600mV  600mV/(2500mV/1023)=246 counts(steps)

Goto NegativeTempFridge


Vin=(Vin*61)/25-600 'For positive temperatures, 61/25=122/50=244/100=2.44(mV/count)

Lcdout $fe, 1  'Clear LCD

Lcdout $fe, 2, "In Fridge"

LCDOUT $FE,$C0 'Jump to second line

Lcdout "Temp=",Dec1 Vin DIG 2,Dec1 Vin DIG 1,".", DEC1 Vin DIG 0,"C"

Pause 3000

Goto Freezer



Vin=600-(Vin*122)/50 'Vin=600-(Vin*61)/25 can be used too.

Lcdout $fe, 1  'Clear LCD

Lcdout $fe, 2, "In Fridge"  'Here, Fridge means cold room.

LCDOUT $FE,$C0 'Jump to second line

Lcdout "Temp=","-", Dec1 Vin DIG 2,Dec1 Vin DIG 1,".", DEC1 Vin DIG 0,"C"

Pause 3000


'---Inside freezer temp routine---





ADCON0=%10001101  'for ADC setting of Sensor 2 (AN1)


For Sample=1 to 10 'Take 10 samples

ADCIN Ch, Vin   'Read ADC ch-0 and save in Vin, Range 0-1023

Samples=Samples + Vin

Pause 200      'Wait for LCD to startup, Seems to be appropriate.

Next sample

Vin=Samples/10 'Mean of 10 Vin values

If Vin=<246 then    '0C - +600mV  600mV/(2500mV/1023)=246 counts(steps)

Goto NegativeTempFreezer


Vin=(Vin*61)/25-600 'For positive temperatures, 61/25=122/50=244/100=2.44(mV/count)

Lcdout $fe, 1  'Clear LCD

Lcdout $fe, 2, "In Freezer"

LCDOUT $FE,$C0 'Jump to second line

Lcdout "Temp=",Dec1 Vin DIG 2,Dec1 Vin DIG 1,".", DEC1 Vin DIG 0,"C"

Pause 3000

Goto Temp2loop



Vin=600-(Vin*122)/50 'Vin=600-(Vin*61)/25 can be used too.

Lcdout $fe, 1  'Clear LCD

Lcdout $fe, 2, "In Freezer"

LCDOUT $FE,$C0 'Jump to second line

Lcdout "Temp=","-", Dec1 Vin DIG 2,Dec1 Vin DIG 1,".", DEC1 Vin DIG 0,"C"

Pause 3000

Goto Temp2loop


'Note: melabs U2 Programmer's configuration for 16F819 (2014.10.1)


'BODEN-Enable, LVP-Disable, CCP Multi With-RB2,

'Flash Pogram Meory Write Enable-All,

'Code-Not Protected, Data EEPROM-Not Protected



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