電子工作86 – 2個のICで作る簡単4チャンネル赤外線リモコン送受信システム
Project 86 – Simple Infrared Remote Control System Using Two ICs
概要 Introduction
Because it is a quite complex and
time-consuming work to develop remote control programs as shown in the previous
Electronics Project 85, I tried to find if there are any IC chips with which a
remote control system can be built without programming. I found both PT2262-IR
and PT2272L4/M4 could do the job. These ICs are inexpensive or 100 Yen each at
a local shop, and relatively easy to use. Here, I assembled the transmitter and
receiver circuits on the breadboards and tested how they would work.
回路図 Circuit Diagram
PT2262-IRを使う送信部はこのICメーカーの参考回路にもとづいて作成した。SW0 - SW3はD0 - D3接続してあり、押した時だけVccに電流が流れてICが仕事をする。消費電流を測定してみるとSWを押していない時0.1uA以下、1個のSWを押している時は45-46mAであった。ボタン電池2個位で充分持ちそう。A0
- A5はアドレスを指定するピンで、各ピンが1(+5v)、0(GND)、f(フロート=接続しない)の3つの選択が出来るので全6ピンでは729通り(3の6乗)の組合せが出来る。実際A0
- A5を全部f (フロート)(回路図でアドレス設定部を削除)にしても、アドレスピンの1本だけ+5VやGNDに繋いでも受信側と通信出来る。ただし、PT2272L4
(latch)やPT2272M4 (momentary)の受信側のアドレス設定は送信側PT2262-IRのそれと全く同じでないといけない。OSC1とOSC2の間には指定された抵抗を入れてクロックを発生させる。440Kを入れた。送信側のSW0
- SW3が押されると対応する受信側のD0 - D3に信号が出力されLEDが点灯する。正しい信号の到着毎にVtに接続されたLEDも一瞬点灯する。ここでもOSC1とOSC2に指定された1M抵抗を入れてクロックを発生させている。
The following Transmitter circuit using
PT2262-IR is almost the same as the IC maker's reference circuit. Four SWs, SW0
- SW3, are connected to D0 - D3. By setting six address pins A0 - A5 in three
ways (1,0 or f=floating) available for each pin, it is possible to create as
many as 729 addresses (3 to the 6th power) for preventing the address crash. IR
signal transmission when all address pins are in floating mode (no connection
to 1 or 0, or complete removal of Address setting section of both Transmitter
and Receiver in Circuit Diagram) is also workable between Transmitter and
Receiver though the system is more prone to address crash. The IR Receiver
circuit using PT2272L4 (latch)/PT2272M4 (momentary) uses six address pins and
four data pins. By receiving signals from IR Transmitter through the IR
receiver module, IR Receiver outputs signal data to light up LEDs as well as
the LED connected to Vt for a short period of time. For the signal
transmission, the addresses of both Transmitter and Receiver must be the same. According to the IC maker's references,
the recommended resistance value for the internal clock generation of PT2262-IR
and PT2272L4/M4 is 440K and 1M, respectively. As apparent from Circuit
Diagram, the power is consumed only when SW is pressed so that its consumption
during the SW-entry waiting period is very small or less than 0.1uA. Meanwhile,
when SW is pressed, its value rises to 45-46mA.
応用として、例えば、SW0 - SW3の4個のSWsを使ってモーターのスピードUP/DOWNと回転の正転/逆転などの制御に使う。
between SWs and LEDs’ lighting
When PT2262-IR and PT2272L4 are used
When PT2262-IR and PT2272M4 are used together:
1. When any SW is pressed, the corresponding LED lights up.
Then, the release of the SW turns off the LED.
2. If you press more than one SW at the same time, the
corresponding LEDs light up. Then, the release of the SWs turns off all of
3. Four SWs can be used for controlling a motor’s speed
UP/DOWN and Forward/Reverse rotations, for example.
(Photo 1) 実験中のIRシグナル送受信部: 上が受信部、下が送信部
The upper photo shows Receiver side while
the lower photo shows Transmitter side. Yellow cables are used for addressing.
IRシグナル受信部 IR Signal Receiver (PT2272-L4 or PT2272-M4)
Present address: A0-A5=011110 (See Pin
Connections below)
IRシグナル送信部 IR Signal Transmitter
Present address: A0-A5=011110 (See Pin
Connections below)
1) 2個のICsでIR通信が出来るのは新発見。類似の安価なチップで無線通信にも応用できるらしい。ちなみにICsは中国製のようだ。
2) ちょっと惜しいのはLatchタイプのPT2272L4でSWを2度目に押した時に反転しないこと。外受け回路が必要。この問題が解決出来ると大変便利になる(後日解決!)。
3) 最大で6チャンネルまでに拡張出来るICsが出回っている。
4) 通信距離は実測で10m以上。
5) 2週間ほどこのプロジェクトに関わってみて学ぶこと多かった。
6) 実際の応用では、受信部のLEDに換えて機械式リレーやSSR(Solid State Relay)を組込めばいろんなことが出来る。
7) ネット上で見つけたPT2272L4に74HC08を使ってMomentaryにする回路(2011.06.30 田中氏)を実際に組んで動作を確認した(配線したボードの写真を撮った)。
8) 費用は全部で500円ほど。
and Comments
It was a new finding for me
that these cheap ICs are capable of achieving IR signal transmission with use
of simple circuits.
The one small disappointment is
that the output state of PT2272L4 (latch type) does not toggle with the second
SW entry.
By replacing the LEDs in
Receiver side with mechanical relays or SSRs (Solid State Relay), the system
can easily be used for building various practical gadgets.
Besides ICs used this time,
there are a variety of similar ICs that are applicable for wireless control
purposes with simple circuits.
The observed communication
distance between Transmitter and Receiver was more than 10 meters.
6) The total cost is approximately 500 Yen.
(追加情報 2016.2.12)
(Newly added information 2016.2.12)
SC2272T4 (Toggle) can work with PT2262-IR.
I could not find any information on the web if SC2272T4
would pair with PT2262-IR and its toggle function (second pressing of the same
SW turns OFF the lighted LED that was turned ON by the first pressing of the
SW) worked or not. It was confirmed to work well. Congratulation!
(Photo 2) SC2272T4を使って実験中、点灯中のLEDsに対応するSWsをもう一度押すとそれらのLEDsは消灯する(Toggle機能)。
Using SC2272T4, these two lighted LEDs can be turned off by pressing their corresponding SWs one more time.
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